Orlando is a vibrant city with a rich music scene that boasts an array of recording studios catering to various genres and styles.
Whether you’re a solo artist, a member of a band, or a music producer, the city’s recording facilities are equipped to bring your creative visions to life.
From studios with historic significance and top-of-the-line equipment to those offering a more intimate and personalized recording experience, Orlando’s music studios are as diverse as the artists who record in them.
Studios in Orlando, like Evermore Sound and Red Lion Recording Studio, offer a combination of technical excellence and a supportive environment for creativity. The professional engineers and producers available in these studios can be pivotal in achieving the polished sound you’re looking for.
Without further ado, let's explore 7 of the best recording studios in Orlando, Florida!
1. Phat Planet Premier Recording Studios
When searching for exceptional recording studios in Orlando, FL, Phat Planet Studios stands out with its commitment to audiophile-quality recording, state-of-the-art equipment, comfortable atmosphere, and comprehensive services.
Known for being utilized by famous artists and offering vocal coaching and instrument lessons, this studio elevates the recording experience.
Located at 3473 Parkway Center Ct., Orlando, FL 32808, Phat Planet Studios is equipped to cater to your needs for recording, mixing, and mastering with both analog warmth and modern precision.
Facilities & Equipment:
Phat Planet Studios boasts an extensive collection of vintage and modern gear, centered around an API console that’s famous for its rich, warm sound.
Depending on the project, you can expect a comfortable space that has been purpose-designed to fuel creativity and ensure technical excellence.
Contact Information: Main office: 407-295-7270
A&R Dept: 407-792-6085
Email: info@phatplanetstudios.com
Services Offered:
ADR (Automated Dialogue Replacement)
Live Streaming
If you’re aiming to produce a sound comparable to what you’d find from top studios in major markets, look no further.
It’s not only about the gear, though; Phat Planet Studios' knowledgeable staff can support you at every stage of the recording process, from pre-production to the final master.
With a reputation for legendary sound quality and exceptional customer service, as expressed by their clientele on their Facebook page, your project is in good hands.
Phat Planet Studios are recognized for bringing a touch of major studio professionalism to the heart of Orlando.
2. Evermore Sound
When you seek a professional recording studio in Orlando, Evermore Sound emerges as a prime choice.
This state-of-the-art recording studio boasts a modern setup catered to meet the diverse needs of artists and producers.
Features and Services:
Music Production: Leverage top-notch equipment for your sound.
Recording/Engineering: Capture your music with clarity.
Mixing/Mastering: Refine your tracks with skilled technicians.
Voice Over Recording: Benefit from dedicated services for clear audio captures.
Foley & Recording: Expand your project's audio depth for films and games.
Whether you’re a solo musician or have a full ensemble, their large live room can accommodate various group sizes.
Services offered include editing, sound design, arranging, and provision of session musicians making it a full service recording studio.
Located at 1633 Acme St, Orlando, Evermore Sound is not a rehearsal space, but rather a finely tuned environment for high-quality sound production.
You can expect to work with professionals who understand all styles of music—If it can be miked, it can be recorded here.
For information on rates, refer to their Recording Studio Rates page, and for booking inquiries or further service details, contact Evermore Sound directly at 407-218-5953.
Connect with them via their Facebook page to stay updated with the studio's latest news and offerings.
3. Red Lion Recording Studio
Located at 5500 Commerce Dr in Orlando, FL, Red Lion Recording Studio stands as a premier destination for music production.
Its facilities boast a sizable 600sq.ft. live room, making it well-suited for full band recordings. The studio promises an array of services ranging from recording to mixing, and mastering. Table of key features:
Service | Facility | Equipment |
Recording | 600sq.ft. live room | State-of-the-art gear |
Mixing | Hybrid analog/digital | Top-tier microphones |
Mastering | In-house professionals | High-end outboard gear |
At Red Lion, you will find a wide selection of top-quality microphones and an all-star mic cabinet, enabling an ideal recording environment for each unique project.
The studio takes pride in their hybrid analog-digital mixing environment, structured to handle various project demands skillfully.
It is significant to note that same day appointments are not offered, signaling a focus on planned, quality sessions.
The studio has been recognized in the community, with a win at the Orlando Weekly's Best Recording Studio in Orlando for 2023.
Their suite of services is run by proficient producers and engineers, ensuring professional handling of projects from start to finish.
For a closer look at the studio, you might want to check out the Red Lion Recording Studio Tour on YouTube, which showcases the facility and the team that will be at your service.
You can visit their website or reach them via phone at (407) 603-1101.
4. 10/11 STUDIO
When you're looking to tap into Orlando's music scene, 10/11 Studios stands out as a 24/7 hub for creatives.
Your audio and video production needs are well catered to, with the studio boasting a versatile offering of services.
Services Offered:
Audio recording
Video recording
Audio production
Video production
Audio mixing & mastering
Located on 70 Semoran Blvd, conveniently nestled between Colonial and the 408 expressway, you find a studio committed to your creative process.
Whether you're an artist or a part of a production team, the technical capabilities at 10/11 Studios are designed to support your project's success.
An essential aspect of 10/11 Studios is their adherence to safety standards, following local guidelines that safeguard both artists and staff.
By prioritizing round-the-clock availability and a menu of professional services, this studio serves as your go-to destination amidst the Orlando music landscape.
Whether looking to lay down tracks or shoot a music video, harnessing the power of 10/11 Studios could be your next strategic move.
You can visit their website or reach them via phone at (786) 542-4082.
5. VZR Studios
VZR Studios is your destination for professional-grade audio production in Orlando, Florida.
With their expertise in recording, mixing, and mastering services, you're guaranteed to receive quality results for your music projects.
Location & Contact:
Address: 2200 N Forsyth Rd, Orlando, Florida 32807
Phone: 321-310-0409
When you visit VZR Studios, expect to engage with passionate audio engineers who are committed to helping you refine your sound.
The studio's welcoming environment is perfect for vocal recording sessions, and their pricing is competitive, ensuring that you get the best value for your time and money.
Services Offered:
Vocal Recording: $50 per hour
Mixing and Mastering: $250 per song
Please note these prices likely fluctuate and may not be up-to-date.
The studio's presence on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram allows you to explore their work and better understand the community and clientele they serve.
With a follower base that speaks to their reputation, VZR Studios comes across not just as a service, but also as a creative hub in Orlando’s music scene.
For budding artists or seasoned professionals, VZR Studios ensures that you receive high-quality audio services that meet your production needs.
Whether you're looking to lay down your latest track or seeking the full suite of mixing and mastering, try VZR Studios and take your sound to the next level.
6. East Room
If you're looking to record music in Orlando, you may consider East Room Studios.
Known for its commitment to quality audio production, East Room Studios offers services such as recording, mixing, and mastering to help you perfect your song.
Location: STE 401, 1 S Orange Ave, Orlando, FL 32801
Environment: Well-furnished with the intention of inspiring creativity.
Services: Provide comprehensive recording, mixing, and mastering capabilities.
Whether music producers or artists, you'll find a variety of audio professionals at East Room, including engineers and producers with the expertise to elevate your music.
Working with professionals such as Bad One, Joe Benny, and Criss Leger, ensures that your sound is in capable hands.
When choosing East Room, one of your primary concerns may be the final sound quality of your work.
Their facilities are equipped to handle diverse genres, ensuring that artists working in styles, including hip hop, can find a suitable recording space.
Explore your options at the East Room Orlando and decide if this studio aligns with your artistic needs.
Whether you're working on a single song or a full album, you have access to a professional setting designed to help materialize your vision.
7. Black Lake Productions
If you're seeking a premier recording facility in Orlando, Black Lake Productions is a noteworthy destination for artists and producers alike.
This studio, nestled in the Central Florida region, is praised for its sophisticated state-of-the-art equipment and the talented, award-winning professionals ready to guide projects from inception to completion.
Facilities and Services:
Recording: Capture your sound with Black Lake’s advanced recording technology.
Mixing: Benefit from expert mixing services to refine your tracks.
Production: Utilize the industry know-how of seasoned professionals.
Black Lake’s studio setup is designed to inspire creativity and make your recording experience as seamless as possible.
The recording space, known as the A Room, is fine-tuned for optimal acoustics. Additionally, the mixing suite is also part of the A Room, allowing for an integrated recording and mixing process.
Getting Started:
Hours: Available by appointment; preparations can begin at midnight.
Contact: To book a session or ask questions, you can call directly at 407-704-6610.
By choosing Black Lake Productions, you place your project in capable hands, with a team dedicated to quality and the reverence for sound that musicians deserve.
Key Takeaways: Best Recording Studios in Orlando
Orlando's varied recording studios provide both state-of-the-art equipment and a nurturing environment for different types of music projects.
Choosing the right studio is crucial for achieving the desired sound quality and fostering creative expression.
Professional staff at Orlando's studios play a key role in turning musical concepts into high-quality recordings.
Frequently Asked Questions
When looking into recording studios in Orlando, you’ll find a variety of options that cater to different needs, whether it’s for hip-hop music production or finding a rental space in a premier recording studio.
These music recording studios not only cater to a wide range of recording arts but also stand out as top-rated facilities for their high quality and comprehensive services. Here are some common questions to help you navigate your choices.
What are the top-rated recording studios in Orlando for music production?
For top-quality music production, Orlando boasts several highly regarded studios. Studios such as Evermore Sound and Phat Planet Recording Studios are popular for their state-of-the-art equipment and professional environments.
Which Orlando recording studios specialize in hip-hop music recording?
If hip-hop is your genre, studios like Hittsquad Recording Studio specialize in urban and hip-hop recording, with a track record of working with artists in this music scene. Although, they are not the only recording studio in Orlando that can handle hip-hop music, so check out all the available options in our list above!
How can I find recording studios available for rent in Orlando?
To find a music recording studio for rent for your next hit song, peruse platforms like Peerspace, where you can find spaces tailored to your project needs, with clear hourly rates and descriptions of the facilities.
Are there recording studios in Orlando that are currently up for sale?
A professional recording studio for sale in Orlando may not be widely advertised online; for the most current sale listings, your best approach would be to contact local real estate agents who specialize in commercial properties.
Can you take a tour of recording studios in Orlando, and if so, how?
Yes, you can often take a tour of recording studios in Orlando. Studios such as Studio 18 recommend scheduling an appointment, offering the chance to see their facilities and discuss specific needs for your project.
What are the average recording studio rates in Orlando for professional services?
Rates vary widely depending on the studio and services required. It’s not uncommon to find hourly rates starting from the $45 range for budget-friendly options. Meanwhile, premier studios charge significantly higher rates for professional services.