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How to Pitch Music to Record Labels | The Demo Submission Process to Labels (Explained)

Updated: Jul 20, 2023

Demo Submission Process for Record Labels (Explained) | How to Pitch Your Music to Record Labels, Submit your album to universal music group and more

The dream of many aspiring musicians and bands is to secure a record deal with a reputable record label. However, the first step towards achieving that goal is navigating the demo submission process.

In this guide, we will provide a detailed overview of how to prepare and submit a demo to record labels.

Additionally, we will highlight a selection of major record labels and indie record labels that offer accessible avenues for demo submissions, including both music industry giants and smaller indie record labels.


Table of Contents:


I. Understanding the Demo Submission Process:

Before you submit your demo to a record label, let's explain the necessary preparations.

1. The Importance of a Demo

A demo serves as your musical calling card, showcasing your talent, style, and potential to record labels. It's the initial impression that can open doors to opportunities and get your foot in the door of the music industry.

2. Preparing Your Demo

a. Song Selection

Choose your best and most representative tracks to include in the demo. Aim for a diverse range of songs that highlight your versatility and musical identity. Consider selecting songs that exhibit your strengths as an artist while showcasing your potential for growth and development.

b. Production Quality

Invest time and effort into producing high-quality recordings that showcase your music in the best possible light. Professional mixing and mastering can make a significant difference in capturing the attention of record label executives.

Ensure your demo reflects the level of professionalism that you strive to achieve.

c. Packaging

Create a visually appealing and informative package for your demo. Alongside the music, include an artist biography that highlights your background, musical journey, and achievements.

Provide contact information, including email, phone number, and social media handles. If you've received any press coverage or accolades, include them to bolster your credibility.

3. Researching Record Labels

Identify the record labels that align with your musical style and goals. Consider both major record labels and indie record labels, as they often cater to different genres and levels of artist development.

Take the time to research each label's roster, recent signings, and the genres they specialize in. This information will help you target the labels that are more likely to appreciate and support your music.

However, we helped you out by providing information on multiple labels, big and small. Read on to learn more.

II. Major Record Labels for Demo Submissions:

As one of the largest and most influential record labels globally, Universal Music Group offers a diverse range of genres and artists. Their impressive roster includes renowned acts from pop, rock, hip-hop, country, and more.

How To Submit Your Album to Universal Music Group

  • Visit the Universal Music Group website and navigate to their "Contact Us" page.

  • Follow the instructions provided on the page to submit your music. This typically involves choosing one of their smaller labels to select, such as Republic Records, Interscope, or Abbey Road Studios, among others.

  • Include a concise and compelling bio, highlighting your musical achievements, unique style, and any notable collaborations or performances.

  • Provide links to your music on platforms like SoundCloud, YouTube, or your personal website. Make sure your tracks are easily accessible and properly labeled.

Difficulty: 9.5/10

Sony Music Entertainment boasts an extensive roster of artists across various genres. From mainstream pop to niche genres, they have multiple subsidiary labels that cater to different musical styles. Research their subsidiary labels and visit the official Sony Music Entertainment website to find specific guidelines for demo submissions. Tailor your submission accordingly and adhere to their requirements.

How To Submit Your Music to Sony Music Entertainment

  • Sony Music unfortunately does not accept, or consider, unsolicited sound recordings, musical compositions or any other creative materials from independent musicians.

  • For one of Sony Music’s labels or creative centers to review a demo, it must come recommended through an established music industry professional, such as a manager, lawyer, agent, producer, artist, programmer, or tastemaker. We suggest you consult with one or more of these professionals for more information.

  • To learn more about music managers, click here.

Difficulty: 9.5/10

With a rich history and a broad range of genres under its umbrella, Warner Music Group is another major player in the music industry. They have a diverse roster that spans across multiple genres, including rock, pop, R&B, and more. Explore the Warner Music Group website for information on submitting your demo. Pay attention to their preferred submission format, whether it's through their online portal or physical mail.

How To Submit Your Music to Warner Music Group

  • Similar to UMG, Warner Music Group accepts artists who submit demo tho them, however, it has to go to one of their smaller labels, such as Atlantic Records, Elektra, Warner Records, or Parlophone.

Difficulty: 9/10

III. Indie Record Labels for Demo Submissions:

Now, let's examine a few far more labels looking to sign independent musicians. These record labels may be smaller in scope, but are much more feasible for artists looking to take their career to the next level.

iSpyTunes is an independent record label known for supporting emerging artists across various genres. We have a reputation for nurturing talent and offering opportunities for growth and exposure. Check out our website for more information on demo submission and the genres we are actively seeking.

For specific music promotion services:

Difficulty: 5/10

Epitaph Records is an indie label with a focus on punk, alternative, and rock music. They have a long-standing history of working with influential bands and artists within these genres. Familiarize yourself with their submission process and guidelines to increase your chances of getting noticed by their A&R team.

Difficulty: 4/10

Domino Recording Company is an esteemed indie label known for its diverse roster of artists spanning various genres, including alternative, indie rock, electronic, and more. They have a reputation for supporting and nurturing unique and innovative artists.

Difficulty: 6/10

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IV. Benefits & Negatives of Big Record Labels vs Smaller Labels

Understanding the benefits and drawbacks of both big labels and smaller record labels can help artists make informed decisions about where to submit their demos. Let's compare the two.

Benefits of Submitting to Big Labels:

  1. Extensive Resources: Big labels have substantial financial resources, industry connections, and promotional strategies to support and propel the careers of signed artists. They can provide a wide range of opportunities, such as professional studio time, top-notch producers, and experienced marketing teams.

  2. Industry Credibility: Being signed to a big label adds a level of prestige and validation to an artist's career. It can enhance credibility in the eyes of industry professionals, media outlets, and fans.

  3. Global Reach: Big labels have established distribution networks that can significantly expand an artist's reach across various platforms, both digitally and physically. This exposure can lead to greater visibility and access to a wider audience.

Negatives of Submitting to Big Labels:

  1. High Competition: Big labels receive a vast number of submissions and competition for limited signing spots can be fierce. Standing out among a sea of talented artists can be challenging.

  2. Loss of Creative Control: Signing with a big label often means relinquishing some creative control over artistic decisions. The label may have specific expectations or preferences that artists need to adhere to, which can limit artistic freedom.

  3. Pressure for Commercial Success: Big labels are primarily driven by commercial success and profitability. This can result in pressure to conform to mainstream trends or compromise artistic integrity to meet market demands.

Benefits of Submitting to Smaller Labels:

  1. Personalized Attention: Smaller labels often offer more personalized attention and closer artist-label relationships. Artists may have direct access to label representatives, fostering a supportive and collaborative environment.

  2. Artistic Freedom: Smaller labels are typically more open to experimentation and diverse genres. Artists have greater freedom to explore their unique artistic vision and develop their own distinct sound.

  3. Niche Focus and Targeted Promotion: Smaller labels often specialize in specific genres or have a niche focus. This can lead to targeted promotion, reaching a dedicated fan base that appreciates the specific style or genre of the artist's music.

  4. Lower Competition: Submitting music to most labels of a smaller size also result in a more likely chance to get your music heard, which is an easier way to get your foot in the door in a highly-competitive industry.

Negatives of Submitting to Smaller Labels:

  1. Limited Resources: Smaller labels may have limited financial resources, which can impact the level of investment in marketing, promotion, and distribution. Artists may need to take on more responsibilities or seek additional support independently.

  2. Uncertain Stability: Smaller labels may be more vulnerable to industry fluctuations and financial uncertainties. There is a possibility of label closures or changes in direction, which can disrupt an artist's career trajectory.

V. Tips to Stand Out from Other Demo Submissions:

Lastly, lets discuss five tips to stand out from other demo submissions.

1. Personalize Your Message

When submitting your demo, take the time to personalize your message to the record label. Research the label's roster and recent releases to gain a better understanding of their musical preferences and style. Explain why you'd be a good fit on their roster.

Address the recipient by name and mention specific artists or releases from the label that resonate with your own sound. Personalization shows that you've done your homework and have a genuine interest in collaborating with the label.

2. Showcase Strong Branding

In addition to your music, it's essential to establish a strong brand identity. Develop a cohesive visual identity, including a well-designed logo, consistent artwork, and a professional bio. Your branding should reflect your unique style and vision.

Incorporate these elements into your demo submission package, such as album artwork, a press kit, or a website link. Strong branding helps create a memorable impression and shows that you're dedicated to your craft.

3. Include Relevant Links and Social Media

Make it easy for the record label to explore more of your work by including relevant links and social media handles in your demo submission. Provide links to your official website, SoundCloud, Bandcamp, or YouTube channel, where the label can listen to more of your music and explore your online presence.

Ensure that your online platforms are up to date and visually appealing. Plus, engage with your audience and showcase your activity and fan base to demonstrate your potential for growth.

4. Be Authentic and True to Your Sound

Just a link for your music signed artists to the music business more often than not

While it's essential to showcase your versatility and potential, it's equally important to stay true to your unique artistic identity.

Avoid trying to imitate popular trends or replicating other artists' styles solely to please the record label.

Labels are often looking for artists with a distinct voice and a fresh perspective.

Embrace your individuality, focus on refining your craft, and present a demo that captures your authentic sound and creative vision.

5. Follow-Up

After submitting music, it's important to follow up politely but persistently. Give the label some time to review your demo submission, but if you haven't received a response within a reasonable timeframe, consider sending a brief follow-up email.

Express your continued interest in collaborating with the label and kindly ask for any updates or feedback. Following up demonstrates your professionalism, commitment, and enthusiasm for the opportunity.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, the demo submission process is a vital step for aspiring musicians seeking a record deal. Understanding the significance of a demo and investing in its preparation are crucial. Researching record labels, both major and indie, is essential to finding the right fit. Big labels offer resources and credibility, while smaller labels offer personalized attention and artistic freedom.

To stand out, personalize your message, showcase strong branding, include relevant links, and be authentic to your sound. Following up politely is important. Remember, there are various paths to success in the music industry, so explore all options and stay dedicated to your craft.

The road to securing a record deal may be long, but with passion, perseverance, and a well-prepared demo, you can pave the way for success.

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